‘Green cleaning’ or sustainable cleaning significantly reduces the exposure to hazardous products, processes or equipment that can unfavorably affect our health. Opting for ‘green cleaning’ not only ensures that your office is clean and spotless, but also allows you to benefit from improved indoor air quality. Here’s how switching to green cleaning alternatives can help you keep your office environment healthy and safe.

Low-Emitting Cleaner Can Reduce Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

Green cleaning worker dustingChemicals have infiltrated the work environment, where we spend a majority of our time. They have done so in the form of cleaning products that discharge Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). VOC is a chief constituent in the formation of smog. Traditional cleaning agents contain excessive amounts of toxic VOCs.

Products like Pine sol, Clorox and Lysol. Constant exposure to chemicals with a high level of VOCs, over a long period of time, can lead to major health issues.

To free your office environment from harmful VOCs, the easiest thing you can do is abandon solvent based cleaners, harsh cleaners or cleaners that release a strong fragrance. In its place, opt for low-emitting products labeled by third-party certified and reputable organizations.

Green Cleaning Particulate Contaminates With Better Cleaning Materials & Equipment

When exposed to particulate contaminants such as dust mites, mold spores, asbestos, and other allergens our respiratory system gets adversely affected. This can lead to allergies and even asthma. To avoid these problems from taking toll on your employees, you should choose green cleaning materials and equipment.

For instance, a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter efficiently eliminates toxins like brominated fire-retardant chemicals (PBDEs, allergens like pollen, dust mites and pet dander). Microfiber cleaning cloths and mops capture more debris and dust than traditional fibers and don’t require any cleaning solutions.

Certified Green Cleaning Janitorial Services

It’s common knowledge that healthier employees are more productive. Keeping the work environment healthy and reducing the quantity of harmful pollutants is an ongoing challenge for facilities and maintenance teams. The easiest way to combat this issue is to hire a professional janitorial services company that follows green cleaning standards.

A & T Janitorial cleaning services uses green cleaning tools and products along with the procedures for using them. According to this standard, the criteria that cleaning companies need to meet include:

  • Proper storing and use of chemicals
  • Restroom care
  • Trash collecting and recycling
  • Disinfection procedures
  • Proper use of vacuums and maintenance
  • Floor care, cleaning of dining areas and break rooms among others.

More Tips for a Clean and Green Office

In its studies, the American Association of Poison Control Centers has stated that cleaning substances are among the top reasons for exposure to poison in adults. Exposure to chemicals and toxins contained in common cleaning products can lead to lung issues, reproductive problems and multiple forms of cancer.

Check out these office cleaning tips for a clean and green office. You should try and implement these strategies.

  • Avoid carpet cleaners and stain-resistant treatments that expose the office to chemicals and opt for a steam cleaner instead.
  • Stay away from fabric protection sprays and air fresheners as they contain chemicals linked to reproductive problems.
  • Avoid cleaning products that contain hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde, phthalates and “chemical surfactants.”
  • Instruct your employees about the negative effects of cleaning products. Create a policy that restricts or bans their use.

Commit to ‘Green’ Methods to Improve Your Office Environment

It’s easier than ever to adopt green cleaning means to keep your facility clean, safe, and healthy. The green products available nowadays are able to eliminate germs and sanitize as effectively as their traditional cleaning counterparts. And there are many janitorial services that offer eco-friendly cleaning solutions. All you have to do is switch to greener cleaning practices and spread awareness among your employees so they can embrace ‘green cleaning’ too.